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Birth Chart Reading
Birth chart Reading

Birth Chart Reading

1 hour  /   $250

As a psychic reader who is also an astrologer, I find that studying the birth chart can be a fascinating and helpful way to understand a client’s strengths and motivations, their gifts and their life challenges, and to learn many wonderful things about them in a short amount of time.

Our birth chart reading is based on the date, time, and place that we are born. An astrologer uses that information to create a chart that reflects the location of the planets. Today, most astrologers type this information into their computer and a birth chart is revealed within a matter of moments. But earlier astrologers, through the use of precise calculations and a book called an Ephemeris (a manual that tells an astrologer where particular planets were located in the sky on a given day and where they will be on a future date) would take hours to create a natal chart by hand. Thank goodness for technology!

Relationship Reading
Love reading

Relationship/Love Reading

1 hour  /   $150

Sometimes the answers we are looking for are already in our hearts, but if you are looking for extra guidance, a Love & Relationship Reading from an authentic psychic may help you.

We’ve all been there. Either your relationship is fine, stagnating, on the rocks, or destroyed. Maybe you’re going through a rough patch, or maybe it’s going great, and you want to improve your relationship. Either way, there are many ways that one can improve their relationship. One of those ways is through getting a “LOVE Reading” 

yearly Transit Reading
Image by Jen Theodore

Tarot Card Reading

45 min  /   $100

Half Deck Tarot card reading $55

Tarot cards gain insight into the past, present and future also tapping into love & career

Palm Reading


20 mins / $50 for both palms $25 for 1 palm

Book an Appointment with Val today!

For Readings and Consultations
1308 Springfield Ave.
New Providence, NJ 
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